Salam bro.Tech bari is a technology Site.We always Try to give our best.Today we showing here how Hide Wapka bottom adult ads without getting blocked.
Today I’ll be writing how to Hide Wapka bottom adult ads without getting blocked!! We all know that now wapka shows adult ads on the bottom ads area of every site created with wapka. So many wapmaster’s wants to hide that. Many of them uses <noscript/> or html comments. But wapka will block your site and your wapka passport if you do so.

So how to hide wapka ads in the safe way? Yes, I’ll tell you :) Just keep reading.


  1. First Log In to your wapka site.
  2. Then Go to ::EDIT SITE(#):: > Global Settings > Head Tags(meta,styles..)
  3. Now paste this code in the texatrea and press Set
<style type="text/css">
/*Hide Wapka Ads*/
/*Sorry Wapka Admin!*/
a[href^=""] {display:none!important;
a[href^="/ads"] {display:none!important;
And then visit your site. And there will be no bottom ads on your site! Since we used CSS3 Selector to hide the ads. So this code prevents the browser from showing the ad, not hide the whole html. So wapka detection system will not be able to detect that you are hiding the ads. In this way you will not get blocked by Wapka. Cheers!! Hey don’t copy paste my articles. Go and write your own.
N.B: Since its a CSS3 snippet some old browsers may not be able to parse it. But It will works like charm in Opera Mini, Palm and etc.


Salam bro.Tech bari is a technology Site.We always Try to give our best.Today we showing here HOW TO CHANGE CMD COLOR.
Now we learn About CMD.

what is CMD
Abbreviation for command, cmd is a Microsoft Windows command that opens the Windows command line window.
Note: Windows 95 and 98 users can only enter the command line by entering command; all other Windows users can enter by using either command or cmd.

Now we try to change CMD color.
 Its have two options.

1) Now we Find&Open CMD .
* Click Start menu and type CMD.

2) Now Open This.

3) Now Type " color w " 

4) Here we see some color code like a=light green 

5) So now type  " color a "
 yes Changed Color. :) 

1) Go To The path c:/windows/system32

2) Find cmd and go to properties.

3) Now click to color like screenshot.

4) Now Edit CMD with Your Own choice.

Okay  if you not understand comment plz.

                                                               THE END
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Salam.How are you? Today i am showing how to run PHP script on windows.It's very easy.If you don't know about PHP it is problem for you. So now we try to learn about php.

What is PHP?

  • PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
  • PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language
  • PHP scripts are executed on the server
  • PHP is free to download and use

 okay. Now we try to learn about Run PHP.

 For run PHP Need
1) XAMPP [Download]
2) Browser [Mozila Firefox]
3) PHP Eclipse
Start MySQL . Apache from XAMPP and some config

1) open xampp And Start  Apache&MYSQL

2) Now open your Browser and go to the URL
3) Now open your PHP File. Go to [ Remember your file PATH is c:/xampp\htdocs\file.php ]

 ok. Now we run PHP script in CMD.
  1. Show Desktop.
  2. Right Click My Computer shortcut in the desktop.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. You should see a section of control Panel - Control Panel\System and Security\System.
  5. Click Advanced System Settings on the Left menu.
  6. Click Enviornment Variables towards the bottom of the window.
  7. Select PATH in the user variables list.
  8. Append your PHP Path (C:\myfolder\php) to your PATH variable, separated from the already existing string by a semi colon.

  9. Click OK
  10. Open your "cmd"
  11. Type PATH, press enter [ cd c:/xampp\htdocs php file.php ]

  12. Make sure that you see your PHP folder among the list.
That should work.
Note: Make sure that your PHP folder has the php.exe. It should have the file type CLI. If you do not have the php.exe, go ahead and check the installation guidelines at - - and download the installation file from there.

Sorry For poor English.
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